
part of life

FGM International - Freetime

Redécouvrir le plaisir de la randonnée
Headquarters and distributor for France and all countries without exclusive distributor.


Since season Spring/Summer 2015, Xavier's work on Freetime designs has helped us make some essential steps on technical improvements as well as on homogenization of our different collections. He also provides us with amazing photographs we use for our catalogues (which he also makes) and here on our new web site. And we will continue to display his great pictures so come and visit from time to time to see new ones!

CS Events Madagascar

Les Experts en Equipement Outdoor à Madagascar
For many years, CS Events has been our partner in Madagascar. Didier and Claudine are also distributing all necessary material for an outdoor excursion on the island, whether you are in Madagascar on holidays or for a scientific expedition.